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Migrants, human trafficking and labour exploitation: Sant’Anna school Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics and Development) Asgi and Satis offer training course to lawyers and legal practitioners

Publication date: 11.05.2020
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Human trafficking and exploitation of human beings: the Sant’Anna School Dirpolis Institute (Law, politics and Development) has partnered with Asgi (Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull’immigrazione) and Satis (Sistema Antitratta Toscano Interventi Sociali) in order to organize the  online legal training course taking place from May 28 to June 12, 2020. Complying with international law and human rights protection, this webinar is offered to lawyers and legal practitioners who will ensure the correct and coherent application of EU law related to human trafficking.

One in four victims of trafficking and exploitation in Europe are children (Save the Children, report 2019) and according to the reports released by the European Commission in December 2018, over the period 2015-2016,  a total of 20.532 victims of trafficking were registered. 23% were children, 68% women and girls and trafficking related to sexual exploitation accounted for 56%.  In 2018, according to reports by the Osservatorio Placido Rizzotto and Flai Cgil the forced labour exploitation in agriculture in Italy was worth 4,8 billion euros.

In February 2020, the Italian ministry Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali  released the Piano triennale di contrasto allo sfruttamento lavorativo in agricoltura e al caporalato (2020-2022). The Italian Government has taken measures to combat forced labour exploitation and promote social inclusion of migrants and victims. To this end, the Dirpolis Institute faculty members Gaetana Morgante and Alberto di Martino (Criminal Law), in addition to  Francesca Biondi Dal Monte (Constitutional Law) have organized six webinar sessions to provide lawyers and legal professionals with panels focused on unsafe migration, human trafficking and exploitation. By exploring innovative solutions to ensure protection and assistance services for migrants exposed to violence and exploitation, the course is designed to develop and enhance the skills necessary to implement the European judicial strategy from a national and international perspective. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, legal professionals will address laws and policies to ensure that migrants and migrant workers are included in emergency visa extensions, have access to medical facilities or corridors agreements for safe movement regardless of nationality and migratory status, particularly in the plans for the containment of the pandemic.

“The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Unhcr) has recently identified a number of challenges and protection risks faced by unaccompanied children in Europe including sexual exploitation, psychological distress and trauma, smuggling and labour exploitation – explains Francesca Biondi Dal Monte . This training course will cover key aspects of the main challenges faced by victims and migrants while the COVID-19 outbreak is affecting all communities, including the illegal hiring ‘caporalato’ issue (a form of exploitation of agriculture day workers through an intermediary) within the Italian context”.